July 31, 2013

Profit from the B2i Industry with Exclusive K12 Lists

  • Institutions are changing their outlook towards profit, sales and ROI
  • Decision makers in the B2i industry are the key people who decide whether to buy your product or service for their institutions
  • Wish you could contact them?

With K12 Lists, you can connect with over millions of education profiles, relevant to your business requirement. Our Education Marketing Databases allow you to obtain customized data based on your requirement; whether it is based on school calendars, technologies being used, programs offered, certifications available, sizes of institutes, or student enrollment figures. 
  • You can adopt a multi-channel approach using direct mail, email or telephone data with detailed information through our database. 
  • You can gain access to verified and updated contact information. Our dedicated team of data professionals, work full time to ensure that quality adheres to standards. 
  • You can also request for customized lists based on your requirement.

Capitalize on the B2i industry

July 30, 2013

Connect with ‘CEOs’ of Education Institutions to Make an Impact

Do you know who the most powerful person in the B2i industry is?
You think it’s impossible to contact them?
Imagine what you could achieve with a list of powerful contacts?

The most powerful position in the education industry is Superintendents. Know as the CEO of institutions, a superintendent is responsible for managing and approving the annual operating budgets. As a key decision maker in the industry, superintendents are the most sought after profiles as they are responsible for investments in institutions.

K12 Lists provides Education Marketing Databases that allow you to choose customized data based on your requirement. Whether it is based on programs offered, school calendars, technologies being used, sizes of institutes, certifications available or student enrollment figures, K12 Lists will be able to deliver targeted databases. With detailed information from our databases, you can adopt a multi-channel marketing approach to connect with relevant prospects through various touch points.

July 29, 2013

You Could Be 6 Degrees Away From Your Next Big Marketing Deal – Social Media Data Appending

The average lifespan of data is not more than few months. Constant updating is the only way to keep it alive and relevant. We all know that data appending makes your database complete, current and accurate. While this has been the practice, we have a new service of Social Media Data Appending.

Just imagine, you may be 6 degrees away from the person who gets you the next big deal, and you may not even know it!

Data Appending ensures that the length, breadth and depth of your data translate into leads and revenue. Decision making and analytics is directly related to data quality and accuracy. Constant appending is necessary to ensure that you can maintain a fresh database – one that works!

Whether it is marketing or demographic data, every new piece of information added to your database will increase the chances of improving rapport with your customers. With our Data Appending Service, you can maintain an updated database, to ensure your connections take your business to the next level.

Optimize your existing database through data appending
Socialize and connect relevantly in your network

July 25, 2013

Contact Key Decision Makers in the B2i Industry

When marketing to schools and universities, it is important to understand whom to contact, who are the administrators and who are the key decision makers. Provided below are some of the typical functions of school council activities and the principal’s activities.


In the B2i industry, marketers need to focus on those people, who are responsible for sanctioning finances, approving strategic plans and implementing policies. Connecting with key people who have strategic roles will definitely have more impact than contacting administrators.

Connect with key decision makers in the B2i industry

How to reduce marketing costs and improve response rates with our Education Marketing Databases

Using a general B2B database is not likely going to produce the same results as a customized one, especially in education marketing. Institutional marketing requires specific education marketing databases that have contacts of key decision makers in institutions.

As institutions cannot be segmented like businesses, they do not function like businesses and do not buy like businesses, marketers need to device specific strategies to connect with decision makers in the Business to Institution (B2i) industry.

We make it easier for marketers. K12 Lists provides Education Marketing Databases which includes contact details of decision makers in public and private educational institutions, located across the U.S. and worldwide. You can gain instant access to verified and updated contact information. You can also request for customized lists based on your requirement to ensure you reduce on marketing costs and improve response rates.

Gain access to exclusive B2i data

July 22, 2013

How to make education marketing data your most valuable asset

  • Only 12% of companies depend on intelligence from quality data - Forrester
  • This could cost companies approximately $8.2 million a year - Gartner

http://k12educationlists.wufoo.com/forms/i-am-interested/ Data quality is about the level of fitness in context with the end use for which it was created. It is about completeness, accuracy, correctness, credibility and currency. It need not necessarily be about the percentage of addresses that are incorrect, a score on accuracy, the number of incorrect fields or number of null entries in the database.

For us at K12 Lists, data quality is a business need. Here’s how we maintain quality data:

  • A manual check and data updation is done on an ongoing basis
  • Data is downloaded from external sources every month and fields are updated frequently
  • Tele-verification and email verification results are consistently maintained
  • Invalid and non-existent records are flagged separately
  • A set of data quality processes known as Input Editing Standards (IES) is created and implemented

So, how do you maintain quality?
Let us provide you with a competitive edge with quality data
And make it your most valuable corporate asset

When was the last time you appended your Education Marketing List?

Data Appending ensures the length, breadth and depth of your data translates to high quality leads and revenue.  Decision making and analytics is directly related to data quality and accuracy.
  • According to industry experts, 24% to 36% of your data goes stale in a year.
  • And the average lifespan of data is not more than few months.
Updating data is the only way to keep your database relevant. With Data Appending, you can identify your audience for defining a target-based approach. For instance, if you are need contact details of Directors of universities from a particular geographic region, a targeted education marketing list will ensure success of your campaign.

Every new piece of information added to your database will increase the chances of improving rapport with your customers. Constant appending is necessary to ensure that you can maintain a fresh database – one that works!

With our Data Appending Service, you can maintain an updated database, which will ensure prompter success of your marketing campaigns.

Optimize your existing database through Data Appending

July 16, 2013

Capitalized On The B2i Industry Yet?

Institutions represent 1/3 rd of the U.S. economy, however they are not yet driven by sales, profits and ROI like other businesses.

Wished you had access to an education marketing database that includes contact details of decision makers in public and private educational institutions across the U.S. and worldwide?

To facilitate marketers who utilize education databases, we at K12 Lists provide exclusive information. Whether you requirement is based on programs offered, school calendars, technologies being used, sizes of institutes, certifications available or student enrollment figures, our education marketing databases allows you to choose customized data. With detailed information through our database, you can adopt a multi-channel approach using direct mail, email or telephone for your marketing campaigns.

Select data from 120+ million schools, 15+ million schools and 5+ million educators.